Cross compile Qt 5.15.X and 6.X.X for arm architecture with tolchain created by crosstool-ng (Docker) - Part 1
Create a cross-compilation toolchain for ARM architecture using crosstool-NG in Docker
I recommend reading the crosstool-ng documentation for more details.
Basic requirements for this post:
- Any Linux distribution
- Docker installed and properly configured
I won’t cover Docker installation in this post, a quick search on Google will help you easily.
To make it easier for other users to use, let’s create HOME for the toolchain in /opt and change the folder owner to be our user.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/toolchains
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/toolchains
cd /opt/toolchains
Create the Dockerfile file with the following content:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
ENV TZ=America/Sao_Paulo
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install --yes git build-essential gcc g++ gperf bison flex texinfo help2man make libncurses5-dev libisl-dev autoconf automake libtool libtool-bin gawk wget bzip2 xz-utils unzip patch curl libstdc++6 m4 binutils dh-autoreconf libcunit1-ncurses libexpat1-dev python-dev sudo zsh rsync vim cmake ninja-build libxkbcommon0 libgl1-mesa-dev libfontconfig1-dev libdbus-1-dev
RUN apt-get clean --yes && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN cd /tmp && git clone --branch ${CROSSTOOL_NG_VERSION} --depth 1 && cd crosstool-ng && ./bootstrap && ./configure && make -j$(nproc) && make install && cd .. && rm -rf crosstool-ng
RUN useradd -m ${USER} --uid=${UID} && echo "${USER}:${USER}" | chpasswd && adduser ${USER} sudo
RUN echo "Set disable_coredump false" >> /etc/sudo.conf
RUN echo "%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
RUN echo "%${USER} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
Let’s build our docker image with the following command:
docker build --no-cache --build-arg USER=$(id -nu) --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) -t toolchains .
Let’s create the container to build the toolchain and Qt6 based on the Docker image we just created.
docker create --name toolchain-qt -v /opt/toolchains:/opt/toolchains -v /opt/Qt:/opt/Qt -t toolchains:latest
In the -v parameter, we are inserting the host’s /opt/toolchains folder as the docker volume in /opt/toolchains. That way, everything done inside Docker will be exported to the host. We’ve also included the /opt/Qt folder where it should contain a host’s Qt installation for the Qt6 build.
Run the created container!
docker start toolchain-qt
docker exec -it toolchain-qt zsh
In this command, we are running the container and starting with the ZSH shell. If you want to use Bash, just replace the zsh parameter with bash.
When logging in for the first time with ZSH, I usually like to install the oh my zsh theme to make the shell more interesting.
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
Create toolchain build folder
mkdir -p /opt/toolchains/builds
cd /opt/toolchains/builds
To learn about the architectures that crosstool-ng supports, run:
ct-ng list-samples
We will use the sample arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi as a base. The toolchain we will create will be for a POS device (Point-of-Sale) PAX S920. The processor version of this device is armv6.
mkdir -p $HOME/src
mkdir arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi && cd arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
ct-ng arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
With this command, we create a configuration file with basic instructions for the toolchain.
To configure crosstool-ng use the command:
ct-ng menuconfig
With the command above, we will change the following options:
- Paths and misc options:
- [ * ] Use obsolete features
- (${CT_PREFIX:-/opt/toolchains}/${CT_HOST:+HOST-${CT_HOST}/}${CT_TARGET}) Prefix directory
- Toolchain options
- (pax) Tuple’s vendor string
- Operating System
- Version of linux (4.4.275)
- Binary utilities
- Version of binutils (2.32)
- Linkers to enable (ld)
- C-library
- Version of glibc (2.15 (OBSOLETE))
- C compiler
- Version of gcc (8.5.0)
- Debug facilities
- [ * ] duma
- [ * ] gdb
- [ * ] ltrace
- [ * ] strace
It is very important to combine binutils versions with GCC. For this, a quick search can help you find the most suitable combination. To avoid linking issues with libc, choose the same version included with the device in crosstool-ng.
To create the toolchain, run:
ct-ng build.$(nproc)
When finished, we will have the toolchain installed in the /opt/toolchains/arm-pax-linux-gnueabi folder.
Now we are going to create a toolchain for another device. We will do it for Verifone v240m, which contains the armv7 processor which has some peculiarities in crosstool-ng, generating a little more difficulty.
cd /opt/toolchains/builds
mkdir -p arm-cortexa9_neon-linux-gnueabihf
cd arm-cortexa9_neon-linux-gnueabihf
ct-ng arm-cortexa9_neon-linux-gnueabihf
ct-ng menuconfig
With the command above, we will change the following options:
- Paths and misc options:
- [ * ] Use obsolete features
- [ ] Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL
- (${CT_PREFIX:-/opt/toolchains}/${CT_HOST:+HOST-${CT_HOST}/}${CT_TARGET}) Prefix directory
- Toolchain options
- (verifone) Tuple’s vendor string
- Operating System
- Version of linux (4.4.275)
- Binary utilities
- Version of binutils (2.32)
- Linkers to enable (ld)
- C-library
- Version of glibc (2.15 (OBSOLETE))
- [ ] Build libidn add-on
- [ ] Build and install locales
- [ ] Enable -fcommon flag for older version of glibc when using GCC >=10
- C compiler
- Version of gcc (8.5.0)
- [ * ] Optimize gcc libs for size
- < > Use sjlj for exceptions
- Debug facilities
- [ * ] duma
- [ * ] gdb
- [ * ] ltrace
- [ * ] strace
To create the toolchain, run:
ct-ng build.$(nproc)
When finished, we will have the toolchain installed in the /opt/toolchains/arm-verifone-linux-gnueabihf folder.
After compiling the toolchain, you need to enter write permission on the toolchain:
chmod -R +w /opt/toolchains/arm-verifone-linus-gnueabihf
In the next post we will see how to compile Qt 5.15.2 with the toolchain we just generated.